Monday, May 23, 2016

A New Adventure, the Sabbath

The Action Through Enterprise Film Premiere in Ramsbury last night was incredible! I woke up refreshed and was ready to worship with fellow believers. Luke and I ambled over to Holy Cross Anglican Church. It is a church with LOTS of history. We arrived a few minutes before the service was to start. There were four people up in the balcony ringing the bells, calling the community to church. Little by little, people straggled in just before the service began. The service was a bit different than what I am used to...first of all, it was in English and not Dagaare. And, we followed a Prayer service printed in a book. Everything was from a prayerbook or hymnal. There were no extemporaneous prayer or anything.

It was nice to visit a different church. It made me really concentrate on the words I was saying/praying. Since they were written down, did I really mean what I read them, or was I just reading words? Good questions!

After church, we walked around, reading the old tombstones before we returned home. Then, breakfast and a quiet afternoon of relaxing and reading and visiting with friends. Tomorrow will be another day to be a "tourist."

It was evening and it was morning. The Sabbath.

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