Monday, February 4, 2013


My original three month stay in the United States has turned out to be a six month stay due to doctor and dentist appointments, specifically, a dental implant. I have had the opportunity to visit and spend time with friends and family. I have truly enjoyed those times. God has blessed me through the love and the friendship of all these wonderful people. They have opened up their homes to me, let me use their cars, cooked for me and provided for me in numerous ways. And, I am very grateful. But, there is this feeling within me, a feeling that tells me I am a displaced person. I don't belong here.

There is a yearning in my heart and soul. I yearn for home. I long to sleep in my own bed, to have my clothes put away where they belong - in my closet, not in a suitcase. I want to mosey into my own kitchen, where pots and pans and utensils that are familiar are and cook a meal. I want to be able to take my basket of Bibles and devotional books out on the veranda in the morning. I want to sit by candle light and read a book when the electricity goes off. I miss riding my bicycle into town to buy bread or phone units or Internet time. And, I actually miss hand washing my clothes and the sense of accomplishment I have when they are hanging on the line to dry. I long to worship in my church, sitting amongst the children. I actually miss going to market and then washing everything before I can eat it. I miss my colleagues in Lawra. I wonder how the special needs kids are doing. I wonder about my friends and their families...were they able to farm enough to provide food until the next farming season? How is the new pastor doing? Does he feel a sense of home in Lawra? And, how is my beloved bishop doing?

So many of these questions won't be answered until I return. My return to home won't be soon enough. Four weeks from today, I will be in Ghana. I'm not sure when I will return to Lawra. I need to do some grocery shopping in Accra first. I know, when I return, I won't be traveling until I have to attend Synod in May. I long for home. I need home, and by God's grace, I'll be returning home soon!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord blessed you to be able to take care of your self too. We sometimes take care of others and forget about our self.
