Sunday, January 1, 2012


As one year ends and another begins I can't help but think about what I've done in the past year and stop and wonder what will be part of my life in this new year. At this time last year I was living in an almost empty apartment looking forward to moving to Lawra, Ghana. And as I meet with others with The Mission Society and hear their stories of ministry I wonder, "Why am I here? What have I done for the Kingdom of God in the last 10 months?" My ministry seems so insignificant compared to theirs. I haven't saved lives or built hospitals, I haven't built a library or provided safe drinking water. I haven't been used to plant new churches or build a new school. Then, I remember that I am still at the beginning of my what I hope to be 10 years in Ghana. They have been here 5 1/2 to 14 years. But still, does anything I do matter?

As tears fill my eyes I think of 18 year old Akos who calls me her mother. I think of a Ghanaian co-worker who has told me of the fear of HIV/AIDS in their family. I think of the children who call out "Mama Sue-ry" when I am at the children's centre. I think of Aa-Denuu who told me he had never heard the creation story before. I think of 2 year old Paul and his family on the day he died and how they came for comfort. I think of Gurggisberg, how grateful his family was that strangers tried to help Gurggisberg when relatives would not. I think of the women who come to visit so they can "talk." I think of surprised faces on Christmas morning and teary faces as some children moved back to the village.

Yes, with the grace of God I have made a difference. I am sharing God's love with the people in the Lawra area. To the human eye, it may not seem like much. I'm not doing big, grandiose things. It's the small things that count. The trust and the relationships I am making with all these people and more - that's what my ministry is all about. And, every time time I hear someone call out to me, "Dagaarapog," (Dagaara woman) I know that I am doing what God what's me to do and the questions in my mind cease.

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