Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sakawa - Get Rich Quick, for a Price

Sakawa is from the Hausa word, "sakaawa," meaning deception, as in Internet scams to get rich quick. But, it has taken on a new meaning in recent years. It now used in blood money rituals in Ghana. It is believed if you go through with the ritual, you will become rich very quickly.
The "sakawa" ritual involves traditional priests who demand blood from those who go to them for financial assistance. The kind of blood that is demanded depends on what kind of financial rewards that you want to reap and how quickly you want to acquire the money. The priest can demand the blood of a child, boy, girl, woman or man. This means that the "client" has to kill one of these people to get the blood demanded. I have heard stories of this in the area where I live. It is very real!
I know of only One Person whose blood really made a difference in the lives of men, women, boys and girls. That person would be Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty God. What good does it do if a man (or woman, boy or girl) has all the riches in the world but looses their soul? A person's relationship with God is the only thing that matters as one is on their death bed. Where do you have your riches hidden? In heaven or on earth? Are you ready to see Jesus?

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