Monday, June 10, 2013

Culture Check

Two weeks ago, a woman came to the Kalsagri church with her grand-daughter, Naamal. She said that this wasn't her church. But, could we please help her grand-daughter? Naamal's parents don't want her because of the growth in her mouth. So, they sent her to Kasalgri to live with "Maakum" (Grandmother). Maakum is old. She can't do much for the girl. She said that others said they would help, but no one has. So, I took her picture, sent out a few emails. She might have a Burkitt’s lymphoma tumor, I don't know. But, what we did find out is that she has to go to the local hospital to get a referral to the Wa hospital. Then, at the Wa hospital, she has to get a referral to a teaching hospital in Kumasi. This would be a great hardship for the family.
Since I didn't know the girl's surname, guardian name, birthdate, age, etc., we went to visit the grandmother today. After we greeted her, we asked all kinds of questions about Naamal. The grandmother did not know the child's surname or the father's surname. She did not know the age of the child. We were told that Naamal was not born this way. This growth/tumor has been growing for three years. She was taken to the local hospital by her Maakum. The doctor wanted to give her a referral. But, Maakum told the doctor to wait until Naamal's father came back from down south. Someone did eventually get a hold of the father. He refused to come. There is an uncle who lives at the family house. But, he cannot speak. So, when asked who would take responsibility for Naamal, if we could take to to the various doctors, the answer was there is no one locally. We tried to call both the mother and the father. Neither one answered their phone. So, our hands are tied as we wait and continue trying to call the parents.
I couldn't help but think that this would never happen in America. I wonder what will become of Naamal. Will she ever see a specialist? Or will she die before she gets the chance? Lord, give me wisdom!

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