Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's That 5 Letter "T" Word Again

It's that 5 letter "T" word again - TRUST. I have tickets to go to Brazil on July 2nd, but my visa has not arrived yet. And, I am getting a little concerned. I am so used to sending my passport overnight to a consulate for a visa on Monday and having it in my hand by Thursday. But, that's not how it is working this time. First of all, the Consulate of Brazil does not accept requests for visas by mail. So, I had to use a travel document agency. It's been over two weeks now. And, I won't be home most of the week (again) to sign for it. Ugh! So, what can I do? TRUST God that all will happen in His perfect timing. Until then, I'll stay home as much as I can (two days), hoping that it will come and I will be here to sign for it.