Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Human Touch

When traveling overseas into a variety of cultures, a person really has to be aware of what is and is not culturally appropriate. I was reminded of this as I was readuing a devotional a few days ago.

When in Ghana, I was part of the Ankaase Methodist Faith Healing Hospital's Prayer Ministy. After devotions, we would go into every patient room and pray for and with the patients. We didn't know the religious backgound of each peson. We would go into a room, talk a few minutes, then, ask the patients to form a circle for prayer. For people of certain faiths, we had to rearrange ouselves because a single woman could not hold the hand of a married man. I think this experience made me more aware of subtle differences. It wasn't necessarily a cultural difference, but a religious one.

As an American in another culture, I need to be aware of all things that may be a part of the culture in the area in which I am visiting, even in various religions. One thing I am sure of, my Lord, Jesus Christ can cross all cultural barriers. He can cross and eliminate all types of barriers. Soon I will be traveling to a country where there are many barriers and restrictions. Please pray that people will experience Him through me, with a human touch.

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