Saturday, August 19, 2017

Just One Little Bite...

It seems as if I have been sick a lot lately. A sinus infection. Then, two weeks later, something I eat doesn't agree with me. Then, the cough increases. After that is gone, there always seems to be something else. So, when I wasn't feeling well, I wanted to call Vincent, my "personal" Physician's Assistant. Ooops! He is in Germany. I call Derek, the guy who runs the lab at the clinic. "Derek, I am not well. My temperature is not normal. Would you please give me a blood test?" So, he agrees and comes to the lab after normal working hours. He checks for malaria. and, the answer, no malaria. The test is negative. Praise God! Maybe I just need some sleep.

Fast forward twenty four hours. My temperature has been in the triple digits all day, going down with Tylenol, but rising again. I am vomiting. I am freezing to the point of my teeth chattering. Then, I am hot. Then, I am just tired. I try to keep hydrated.I call Razak. He is an Accountant. "Razak, I feel terrible. My temperature is high. I am cold, then hot. The malaria test was negative, but look at me. I must have malaria." "Mama, you do. Start the malaria treatment and drink Tonic (it has quinine in it)." So, I dug out my malaria meds and started treatment.

The next two days, I tried to sleep in the midst of chills and being hot and not feeling quite right. My temperature spiked to 105 degrees  a couple of times. I ached. I couldn't concentrate enough to read. I was miserable. By day three, I felt some relief. I was able to sleep. my temperature was about normal.

The treatment for malaria is only for three days. Day four, I was feeling much better! I still tired easily, but that would change as time went on. Praise God that I wasn't worse than I was and there were people here to check on me. One little bite from such a small insect can cause a whole lot of pain and trouble!

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