Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lessons Learned from a Coloring Book - Part 2

I was coloring again today. All was going well. The centers of the flowers were yellow. The orange flowers were colored in. Then, I started on the turquoise flowers. Hmmm. Something isn't quite right. As I colored, I could feel the pencil point wiggling. So, I sharpened it, hoping to correct the problem. Something was still wrong. I looked more closely at the pencil. The point had broken off and was being held in place by the wood surrounding it. It was still usable. I continued coloring...carefully! As I colored I kept thinking, "The point is going to fall out. I should just take it out and sharpen it." But, I didn't. I kept using the pencil for quite some time before I finally gave in and sharpened it. Afterwards, I wondered why I waited so long to resolve the problem. The coloring went much easier, smoother and faster with the pencil point in the proper form.

Hmmm...I'm like that pencil. Sometimes things go wrong within me. It can be an attitude. It can be an action. It can be a thought. Many times I keep on going. Life goes on. Work gets done. Chores get done. Classes get taught. Sermons get written. But, am I really in the best shape for it? Am I really representing Christ if there is an area in my life that is as shaky as that pencil point? I need to deal with that issue, make things right again before I can fully be myself again, especially as a follower of Christ. 

So, I will keep my pencils in good shape. I will have my daily time with God and continue it throughout the day. And, when life circumstances get shaky or I need to take a good look at something God brings to mind, I need to take action. And with His help, His strength, I can be that pencil in God's hand that He uses to write His story in Lawra, Ghana and throughout the world. 

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