Saturday, September 29, 2012

CORE Coaching

The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything and make you remember
all that I have told you. ~John 14:26
Almost two weeks ago I flew to Seattle, WA to participate in the CORE coaching training. This type of life coaching is Christian based, with the Holy Spirit being an integral part of it. I spent the week with 30 other amazing people who work throughout the world, encouraging people to look past what they think they can be to what God thinks they can be. Coaching begins in the present and looks to the future. Coaches don't give answers. They help the "coachee" look within themselves to set their own goals and action steps to achieve what previously seemed impossible to them. Coaching is so positive and reinforces all progress...and it can be done over the phone!

The class included plenty of time for practice. We each experienced several hours of coaching and being coached. It is amazing what a person can discover about themselves in 15 minutes or a half hour! There are so many facets of life that can be encouraged and strengthened by coaching. I kept learning more that I ever imagined! Coaching has challenged me to go beyond many of my old thought patterns and preconceptions. I am in the process of setting up coaching sessions for myself so I can activate all those areas and thoughts and ideas in me that have been sleeping.
Is there an area of your life which you want to develop? Where do you want to grow? What area of your life are you dissatisfied with? Is it in the relational area? Spiritual? Physical? Leadership? Intellectual? Character?  Hobbies or recreation? Maybe there are other areas. I'd be privileged to be a part of your life for awhile and help you excel in all areas of your life.

1 comment:

  1. YEA!!!!! Go Sue!!!! So proud of you for taking this step forward and becoming a coach!!! Keep me posted on how your practice coaching goes and what you might need from us as you move forward in your certification. Also, let us know how you see yourself using this in ministry. Hugs and kisses!!! ~Laurie
