Monday, February 2, 2009

Who Holds Your Future?

I live in western Pennsylvania where Puxsutauny Phil is a hero. He is a much loved groundhog whose sole purpose in life is to do a yearly weather forecast on February 2nd. People gather around his groundhog hole, some many party, but all want to know the future of the weather.

I have to admit, I like the folk lore of Phil although I don't trust him with my future. When I was young, if I was told if Phil saw his shadow there would be six more weeks of winter. If he didn't, there would be 42 days of winter. What's the difference? Phil really can't forcast the weather. I know the One who made the sun go still, the One who calmed the storms and the One who caused the sun to go backwards.

Phil is a legend. He might be correct in his forcast, he might not be correct. But, you can always trust the Lord God Almighty. He is always right, not only in dealings with nature, but in all the ins and outs of our lives. He is the One to trust for the future - not a groundhog!

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