Monday, April 21, 2014


Picture this...Easter Sunday worship service. It is testimony time. A woman, Kuufati, stands up and makes her way through the crowd to the front.  She has never come to church before. But, she had to come today. She says that when she sleeps that she sees all the people she knows who have died recently. And, she is told she is going to be next. I tell her that if she wants to turn her back on the spirits and get rid of them she can. The risen Savior, Jesus Christ is stronger than all those spirits. She cannot live in both worlds. She needs to take off her juju (seen above with the Dagaare gospel of Luke, opened to the Resurrection Scriptures, Jesus defeated death!) Kuufati wants to remove the juju. 

She tells Satan that he has no power over her, Jesus is stronger and says, "Come, Lord Jesus." She asks Jesus to live in her heart. After service, the juju she wore to church is burned.

Praise God! Easter Sunday is the day of new life in Him. Christ defeated death more than 2000 years ago, and He defeated death on this Easter Sunday!

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