In the world's eyes, I am just a "normal" person. I haven't accomplished any great feat or have never found a cure for a incurable disease, my grades in school were just average. I am just like most of the world...a sinner. Yet, I have been saved by grace. And, THAT is what makes all the difference in the world!
Living in Ghana, in the Upper West Region, is no big deal. Not to me anyway. I have gotten involved in the life of the local church, in the lives of the children living at the Centre and in the administration of the clinic. People in the community have noticed that I am becoming more and more a part of them. Yet, here, I am not doing any "big" or "great" thing - in my eyes.
I spoke with someone today who had just returned from seeing the bishop of the Northern Ghana Diocese. Evidently, I was one of the topics of conversation. It seems that living everyday life in an area in which I live has created a ripple effect. People have been noticing, watching. Lives have been touched in one way or another. Encouragement has been received. People are being empowered. None of it is in "big, huge ways" but in individual lives. Yet, who knew? I was unaware. Praise God that He can use someone ordinary, like me, to do His work!
I believe that being "ordinary" and in love with God makes you extraordinary!