I am taking an online class. I've taken three others and all went well. Information was clear and easy to find on the site. Links were easily found and worked and all information was uniform...if I was seeking an answer to a question about the course or an assignment, it was found. And, if it was on more than one web page or clicking on different links, the information was always the same.
Not so with this class. I don't look for discrepancies, but I find them. Or, if I click on a link to listen to a lecture, the page I go to has a variety of options, none of which look like it would be a lecture. When I email a question about an assignment, I don't get a definitve answer. Either my question is not clear or the person answering it doesn't understand what I am asking. None of my other classes were like this and it drives me up a wall.
I have to keep a positive attitude. We are not all perfect, especially me. I have to keep my "eyes on the prize" and keep working towards the goal no matter what it takes. I keep reminding myself that "I can do all things through Christ who stregnthens me." And, it is His grace that has gotten me this far.
I ask that you pray for me as I continue this class. I've learned a lot in the first three lessons. There is so much more to learn. May God grant me clarity and understanding as I continue studying.
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