Sunday, November 29, 2015


Today was Harvest at Kalsagri Methodist Church. As an American, I think of harvest as bringing in the crops. Maybe selling some to make money. I think of something to do with the autumn season. Oh, not here. Harvest is a fund-raiser. People are given notices and envelopes in which to put their donations. Then, members of the church bring items to the church to auction off. Since the growing season has ended recently, there was plenty of ground nuts, maize, hot peppers tomatoes and yams to sell. There were other things as well, especially since I don't farm. So, I didn't bring something I grew to sell! The auction started with a bottle of water, since water is life, it is everything in this hot and dry land. Then, the fun began with people bidding against each other. Oh, it was exciting to watch! At the end of the day, the church raised 508.95 Ghana Cedis, about $132 from people who can barely feed their families. What a miracle! Thank You, Jesus! The church was given a matching gift, so that now there will be money to meet their financial obligations and maybe have money left for their Easter Picnic! I am so proud of them.

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