"Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of God." Luke 6:20
Lord, I never really noticed before today that this verse doesn't say "poor in spirit." The poor, those who live in poverty, are about 90% of the world's population.You included them in Your Word.They are important to You, their lives matter, they mean some thing to You. What are You saying to me, Lord? Do I need to become "poor"? Here, in Lawra, Ghana, I am considered as and looked at as being "rich." Back in Pennsylvania, I live a very simple life. It isn't easy to going from having whatever I need and want to not being able to fill my needs and wants, at least not being able to fill them with any measure of ease. Does that mean I need to trust You more fully? Does that mean I should be satisfied with what I have? Lord, I want sheets for my beds, yet, most people here don't even have beds. What does that say about me? Am I a spoiled American? Or does that say that I want to have a comfortable resting place for a weary traveler? I hope it is the latter. I know that the food items I miss are definitely wants. There is no question whether or not I can live without chicken breast meat or cheese or crystal lite or even marshmallow peeps. You have blessed me with those things from time to time, and I am grateful for those times. But, Lord, the people here are living in poverty. They have no one but You. Those who believe have such a strong faith, they depend on You for everything. Bless them and keep them close to You. Show me what my part is to be in their lives.