Yesterday, I had some visitors...a lot of them, actually. But, the visitors I want to talk about are Rev. Raymond Dery and his wife, Vida. On Sunday, March 16, 2014, Dery was in a very serious motorcycle accident. He was fighting for his life. Vida and I cried on each others shoulders at the Tamale Teaching Hospital. Now look at him! Now, 14 months later, he is visiting me in Lawra, where his family house is located.
Dery attended the annual Synod of the Northern Ghana Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana. So, I wasn't surprised to see him doing so well at my house. We had a lovely conversation while he was here. He is able to do many of the things that he did before his accident. He has many of the same mannerisms that he had before the accident. He still has a strong faith in God and is grateful for his life. Yet, you only have to spend a couple of minutes with him to know that he is still not the same as he was before the accident. Oh, the conversation was good, please don't get me wrong. But,there is still healing to take place. Even though, we are all grateful to God for Dery's healing up to this point, we continue to pray that God will touch him even more and restore Dery to the place where he will once again be preaching and teaching the Word of God, traveling to the villages where people are hungering for God's Words. We pray that he will be restored to the place where he is the husband and father he used to be. We pray that his brain will be fully recovered from the intense injury it suffered. Won't you pray with us?