When is it time?
Following the Lord Jesus Christ has put me on a Great Adventure. Through this blog, I hope to share with you the places He has taken me and the things that I have learned.
I've been going through"gray" days. When I came back from Central Asia, I dealt with the time difference. But, then, there was a peiod of about two weeks or so when I was in a "gray" period. I think it was because when I return from a trip, I feel torn between two countries...the one I just left and the one in which I am a citizen. Don't get me wrong, I love the USA. I am blessed just because of the country where I was born. Within me is a struggle, where am I going, what am I doing?
Isn't that the same in our spiritual lives as well? We live in the world, but are citizens of Heaven. Here on earth, there are so many distractions to keep us from spending time with the Father. I feel that same struggle in a two room apartment in Ghana. I suppose the bottom line is to learn how to stay close to Him, with that relationship being the priority and everything else will fall into place. It may not be easy. Life will still have it's ups and downs, but the peace that comes from above will be within.