According to the Encarta Dictionary, one of the definitions of acceptance is willingness to believe: willingness to believe that something is true. As a Christian, this type of acceptance has been part of my life for quite a long time, even though some things are harder to accept than others. But, this is not the acceptance my friend was referring to. The acceptance she meant is defined as coming to terms with something: the realization of a fact or truth and the process of coming to terms with it.
Life in Ghana is a chain of accepting things as they are...the man pictured above is blind. He has accepted that fact. And, he was "reading" Scripture when I took the picture. People here accept the seasons of life much better than they do in America. They accept suffering and illness. They accept hard work, sometimes with little in return. They accept life without all the comforts and hang ups and things that enslave many Americans. They are an inspiration to me!
But, me? Accepting? I never thought of myself that way.All I know is that if I get upset because I have to wait more than an hour for transport to Wa, it will be a really long day! If I get upset over lack of food choices, what am I doing living in Lawra? If I get upset over the lack of hot water or electricity, what am I doing in Ghana? I am where God has led me. I am at home. And I am not just "accepting" life as it is in Lawra, I am EMBRACING it to the glory of God my Father! May His will be done!
Life in Ghana is a chain of accepting things as they are...the man pictured above is blind. He has accepted that fact. And, he was "reading" Scripture when I took the picture. People here accept the seasons of life much better than they do in America. They accept suffering and illness. They accept hard work, sometimes with little in return. They accept life without all the comforts and hang ups and things that enslave many Americans. They are an inspiration to me!
But, me? Accepting? I never thought of myself that way.All I know is that if I get upset because I have to wait more than an hour for transport to Wa, it will be a really long day! If I get upset over lack of food choices, what am I doing living in Lawra? If I get upset over the lack of hot water or electricity, what am I doing in Ghana? I am where God has led me. I am at home. And I am not just "accepting" life as it is in Lawra, I am EMBRACING it to the glory of God my Father! May His will be done!
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