Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Zone Are You In?

This mornig I woke up, reached for my glasses, and...what? They aren't where I put them!

I was in the panic zone. I looked on the bed, under the bed, in between the pillows, on the night table, on the dog bed, in the dog crate (just in case), you get the idea. I was blind without my glasses!

Then, I stopped and prayed. I prayed that God would show me where to look for them. I was now in the learning zone.

I went back into the bedroom, and something shiney caught my eye - my glasses! While I was flipping the sheets looking for them, they must have flew off the bed, lining up next to the dog bed, not easy to see at all. I put them on and now I am in the comfort zone.

Not one zone is bad or wrong in itself, it's what you do while you are in it. Are you too comfortable that you aren't being challenged, aren't growing? Are you in such a panic that you can't hear the voice of the Lord, the voice of reason, or the voice of trusted others?

Or, are you in the place where you are open to learning new things, new experiences, new "aha" moments from God?

What zone are you in?