Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seasons of Life

Seasons of life...I've seen so many of them lately. I have been invited to a baby shower. I went to a wedding. Friends of mine have died. Others have had surgery, some doing well, others having a harder time. New neighbors are moving in.

As I prepare to travel to Ghana, I wonder how different life will be when I return. Life is always different, for one cannot be the same person after experiencing the joys and sorrows of life in a poverty stricken area. But, I wonder...who will be married when I return? Who will have died? Who might be expecting a child? Who will be preparing to move?

Our lives are always in the midst of change. There is only One who stays the same, no matter what season of life we are in at the moment. Scripture says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."

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