Monday, January 13, 2014

Yuoŋ Pala

"Yuoŋ Pala" is the Dagaare New Year's greeting. It literally means, "new year." New Year's is not that much different here, in some ways. People get together with family and friends. They eat special foods (sometimes, too much.) They drink (sometimes too much.) There is one thing that is very different. Many churches have a "Watch Night" or "Cross Over" service, beginning around 8 or 9 pm and lasting throughout the night, into the morning. They pray the New Year in, thanking God for His blessings, mercy and grace and asking for blessings, mercy and grace in the coming year. Since this white woman does not drive her motorcycle at night, the Kalsagri church had their service at 9:30 in the morning. Many people give gifts for New Year's Day instead of Christmas. This grandmother from Kalsagri gave me a bag of shelled groundnuts.
How did I spend New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? Well, New Year's Eve, I went to visit my grandchildren and great grandchildren. Some are Ghanaian. Some are American. Some are even from the UK! We visited and ate. Habib tried to teach me to dance. He said , "OK. Maakum, you did fine!" That didn't last long! Then, I drove home and "watched" Mary Poppins. I think I fell asleep while they were laughing on the ceiling. New Year's Day didn't get any more exciting! Then, Sunday, I talked about John Wesley's Covenant Prayer. I love that prayer! I was given yams for a New Year's gift from Alex, one of the leader's of the church. All in all, this holiday was filled with love and laughter and gratefulness. What a blessing to have the opportunity to celebrate in Lawra/Kalsagri.

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