History has repeated itself. It has happened again. Every time that I don’t feel well, I don’t write a blog. And, if I miss a week of not writing, I just quit all together. It’s what happened when I was living in Ghana. The first several years I tried to write twice a week. Then, the illnesses started, mainly constant (or so it seemed) sinus infections. I hardly wrote a blog those last two or three years. I felt crummy. And, who wants to read about an old woman and her sicknesses? In my mind, I hear Thumper’s mother say, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” When I write, I want to write something positive.
I’ve been dealing with sinus infections for about six weeks. I’m on my third antibiotic. I don’t feel sick enough to stay home all day, but I don’t feel well enough to go out and about all day. I’m grateful that my work day is only six hours. And, I don’t think to write a blog when I am this way. (I am not looking for medical suggestions. Let me just say that I have really bad sinuses.)
So, I’m asking for prayers for healing…healing for my sinus issues. Was a result of healing comes so many other good things. Things will happen such as increased ability to focus. A desire to be more active, to do some healthy stuff. My God is a good, good God, and He is my Healer!
I will be praying for you. For comfort and healing.