Sunday, June 9, 2013


A mother wakes up in the middle of the night and cries. She wonders, "Why did God give me a child like this?" There is no place for a special needs child in this culture. Parents are urged to take their children to the Fetish priest for a "mercy killing." Yet, this same mother, who cried at night a year ago, now says, "When I came to SNAP, I found out that I wasn't alone.That there are other children like mine. SNAP helps me know what to do with my child."
June 6, 2013, was the first anniversary of SNAP, our Special Needs Awareness Program. We will celebrate on July 3, so that one of our founding members, Sarah Gardner, could be here for the festivities. An activity that we had for the parents was to trace the hand of their child and write something that they appreciated about their child on each finger. And, if  they could not think of something, they were to write their hopes/dreams for their child. Now, most of these people can't read or write, so, others wrote the words the parents said. Parents who were full of despair a year ago now write: 
"My child has a nice smile. He is very interested. He knows how to read. I THANK GOD He made him for me. He makes me happy."
Another parent writes about their child, "He thanks God. He is always happy. I am HAPPY that God made him. He will get a blessing. I am happy to come here to SNAP."

Still another parent writes, "She tries hard. She is happy. She is a good sister. She is helpful. She is beautiful."
I thank God for SNAP. A year ago, these parents had no hope. Who knows if some of these children would have survived if the parent did not attend SNAP. SNAP give them encouragement, praise, education, health screenings, and the knowledge that their child is a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God! Celebrate our first year with us!  And, thank God for the lives of these lovely children.

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