Sunday, May 20, 2012

Metro Mass Transit, LTD. - Moving the Nation

Yesterday I began my travels to Ho, which is in the Volta Region of Ghana. I am VERY grateful that I was able to catch a Metro bus in Lawra, instead of having to spend the night in Wa to get a bus at 4:00 AM. I was told to be at the Lawra station by 5:00AM. So, I was able to sleep in my own bed & avoid the extra cost of staying in Wa.

I arrived at the station shortly before 5:00. After being asked where I was going, I was told by several people that the bus had already passed through Lawra. They wanted me to travel in their tro-tro, a van that squishes 20+ people in it. Hmmm...that didn't sound right. Just a few days ago the Hamile-Kumasi bus passed through Lawra at 6:00 AM. No, I told them, I will wait small.

The tro-tro was being packed and I was praying. More than one person had told me that the bus comes somewhere around 6:00 AM. And, if they left Hamile at 4:30, there was NO WAY it would have reached Lawra this early. So, I waited. And, continued to pray!

At 5:50 AM, the most beautiful orange bus came into view. It was the bus I was waiting for, the Hamile-Kumasi bus. I would be able to ride this bus to Wenchi in relative comfort. (Comfort being 90% attitude.)

I ended up in seat number 3, with no one in seat number 2, so Julia, my seat mate & I had plenty of room. The motor was right in front of me & I was able to stretch my legs out on top of it. =-) The ride to Wa was truly a blessing. I was so thankful. 

Our "quick" stop in Wa ended up to be two hours long. Evidently, there was a problem with one of the tires & it needed fixed or changed. I would rather sit in Wa for two hours than on the side of the road for four. Again, it is all a matter of attitude & gratefulness!

All went well after that. I couldn't help wondering why people pay to ride at amusement parks when they can ride the Metro at a much smaller cost & have the same experience! There is no preaching or selling on the bus, so when we have our "rest stop" people preach and sell right outside of the bus doors. Trust me, the facilities at the rest stops don't even come close to American facilities!

Even with the two hour stop, I alighted in Wenchi before 1:30 PM. Metro Mass Transit does it again...I arrived safe, in a timely manner and at a great price! Thank You, Lord, for keeping me safe on this trip!

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