It's hard to communicate with people, to develop a relationship with them, if you don't understand their language and if you can't speak their language. You don't even have to be in a foreign country to misunderstand what is being said, a generation or two difference between people can at times be worlds apart in the vernacular!
When I live in Ghana, I will have to learn how to speak Dagaare in order to develop relationships with the children at the orphanage and with the people in the community. Dagaare is not a wide spread language. It is spoken only in the Lawra region and in southern Burkina Faso. You can't go to a school to learn Dagaare. You learn it by being totally immersed within that language group and by possibly hiring a language helper.
So, in order to get a "jump" on things, I decided to open up the language booklet to see if there is anything I can learn on my own. Of course, there are letter combinations I have never seen in English! I started out this morning with something simple, "Fo wa song," which means "I bid you welcome" when talking to one person. The response is a little more difficult, "Oo, sori waa maarong." I'll try that when I know the greeting without having to stop & think about it.
As I looked through this language booklet, I saw the heading In the Home. I thought that might be helpful, so I looked at the list of words:bedspread, brush, chair, fan...gun! Axe! Now, those are two things that I don't use here. The axe would be used to cut firewood. But, a gun? I'm thinking for hunting, maybe?
OK, I'll try the list In the Chief's House. The chief is kinda like the mayor, he is the head of the village. Here is part of that list: drum, servant, throne, palace, gong, head gear...executioner! Hmmm. I think I better make friends with the chief rather quickly!
Anyway, many times, communication is not easy. And, it may include words, phrases, idioms that we would not normally use. But, in order to have a deep relationship with another, communication is of the utmost importance whether you are speaking to your friend, spouse, or child. We all need to learn to communicate so that we can hear and respond appropriately, in love and help that person come into relationship with the One who loves us the most!