Following the Lord Jesus Christ has put me on a Great Adventure. Through this blog, I hope to share with you the places He has taken me and the things that I have learned.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Work of Christmas
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A New Joint

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Blessing of Family

The holiday season always brings the thought of family to mind. I have been blessed with two brothers, a sister, their spouses, their children and grandchildren. They mean so much to me. I have such wonderful memories of times spent together.
This year I celebrated Thanksgiving with my sister, her son and daughter in law in Texas City, Texas. It was wonderful! So relaxing and warm! I was able to visit and reconnect with my nephew and his wife. I don't see them very often. This trip has been another of the great blessings of our God.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Successful Failure

Apollo 13 was called "The Successful Failure" because the three astronauts returned to earth alive and safe although they never walked on the moon.

Gene Krantz, Flight Director of several Apollo flights always wore a vest made by his wife, each one specific for each flight.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Prayer
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Basking in God's Grace
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Preparation or Battle?
When I had my EKG for my previous surgery, no one made any comment that something may be wrong. But, when my surgeon for my knee replacement had whom so ever look at the EKG he saw something irregular. It seems like I have had a heart attack in the past. Now, I am waiting for a stress test to be scheduled. This is providing stress in my life.
So which one is it...preparation or battle?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Random Thoughts on Surgery
~ There were no chickens running around.
~ Everything was very modern and very sterile.
~ I don't like not being able to take care of myself.
~ It's hard to ask for help.
~ I want my mommy!
~ I wish I had my favorite blanket with me.
~ God is still in control.
One surgery done, one to go. I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to being the patient again. This time it will be for a knee replacement. The hospital stay will be longer. The recovery time will be longer. The two good things about it are: 1. My knee will quit hurting and I'll be able to walk a lot easier and 2. God is still in control.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Disturb Us, Lord

Attributed to Sir Francis Drake, 1577
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Gaurenteed Dividends

Friday, October 10, 2008
Blessed to be Born in the USA
This week I have been working on lessons for the Children's Program for a week long Mission Festival. I am focusing on Bibleless people groups. And, I am overwhelmed at how blessed I am just because I was born in the United States of America. I own at least 8 Bibles of various translations in my heart language. Some have footnotes and some are study Bibles and some are annotated.
Do I appreciate this blessing? Rarely. Yes, I read Scripture. Yes, I study Scripture. Not as much as I should. I have become accustomed to having Bibles around. The Word of God is easy to access. Yet, I don't always take advantage of it. Most times the child like wonder of it all is missing. I get caught up in "stuff to do" instead of getting caught in the Word of God.
Ghana has 79 languages not counting the dialects. Only a couple of these languages have a complete Bible. People there hunger and thirst for the Word of God in their heart language. I should, too.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
This IS a Test
I had excruciating pain on Tuesday night. It lasted for hours. Of course, I didn't call anyone. The good news is, it was not a heart attack. It may be gall bladder trouble. So, I am in the midst of tests. some which aren't scheduled for 3 weeks.
Trust is the key word here. I have knee replacement surgery scheduled for Dec. 9. I am traveling all over PA during the next 3 weeks, speaking at churches and communing with God and driving back home in the midst of it all for tests and doctors appointments. I have to admit, I'm not thrilled about all the driving. But, things need to be done. And I need to trust God to keep me safe and awake as I drive. I need to trust Him as the Great Physician, trusting that all will be well in time for my knee surgery.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Girl Effect
In most of the world, girls are denied education. Or, at best, their families cannot afford to send them to school. Families have to pay for the education of their children. Many countries do not provide secondary education that is underwrited by the government/taxes. So, since girls are thought of as being of less worth than a boy, they oftentimes do not get an education.
Girls can change the world!
(With Christ's help. of course!)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bibleless People

Rev. John Russell visited this church that meets under a tree in the middle of a corn field. He gave a salvation message to the people in attendance. He used word pictures and demonstrated what he could. In this picture he was demonstrating the weight of sin. People listened. Seeds were planted. Only the Lord of the Harvest knows what will happen next.
Pray that the Bible will become available in all 79 languages of Ghana and in all the numerous dialects.
In what language would Jesus speak to these people?
In their own.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friend or Foe?

Many people in this region of Ghana believe if you have a pet whatever, that the animal will keep the evil spirits away. I can't help but this monkey a friend or a foe? Is he just a pet (friend) that is tied in a tree and taken care of by people in the church? Or is he a foe and used as an animal to keep away evil spirits - a part of the ethnic religions that are so prevalant in the north?
Where do you put your trust? Is it in your job? your health? Your bank account? Your 401K? or is your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Reading Town Library Dedicated
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Gift from the Heart

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Someone Who Has Touched My Life

Monday, September 22, 2008
God Heals Computers!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sharing God's Word
One of the opportunities I had while in Ghana was to visit several village churches. This church, in the village of Kolongo, meets under a tree since they have no building. They have no pastor, either. The people of the village wanted to worship the One, True God, so they drcided to start meeting together. The person who provides leadership for this church is Abraham, a young man who recently finished Senior Secondary School. We found out about the existance of this church only a few days before we visited. It was the first time they had an ordained minister at their service.
That's what it is like in the northern region. People have nothing, yet they want to worship, and they band together. Many give up the opportunity to earn a few cedis so they can attend worship. The caretakers (the people who provide leadership for the village churches) are barely paid. But, they do what they do because of their love of Jesus Christ. The worship at this church was incredible. Let me just say, God was definately there!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Back in the USA
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Going "Home"
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Is it Time?

When is it time?
Friday, July 18, 2008
A "Real" Newsletter - Finally!

This is the first time I wrote my newsletter using the Publisher program. I had gotten the program several months ago, but, as I tried to use it, I wanted to throw my computer off of a really high, rocky cliff! This time, it was almost painless. To God be the glory!
I hope when you receive your copy of Living Water, you will enjoy it. If you are not on my mailing list and want a copy, let me know and I'll send you one.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dolls, Dolls and More Dolls

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gray Days

I've been going through"gray" days. When I came back from Central Asia, I dealt with the time difference. But, then, there was a peiod of about two weeks or so when I was in a "gray" period. I think it was because when I return from a trip, I feel torn between two countries...the one I just left and the one in which I am a citizen. Don't get me wrong, I love the USA. I am blessed just because of the country where I was born. Within me is a struggle, where am I going, what am I doing?
Isn't that the same in our spiritual lives as well? We live in the world, but are citizens of Heaven. Here on earth, there are so many distractions to keep us from spending time with the Father. I feel that same struggle in a two room apartment in Ghana. I suppose the bottom line is to learn how to stay close to Him, with that relationship being the priority and everything else will fall into place. It may not be easy. Life will still have it's ups and downs, but the peace that comes from above will be within.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ten Ways Every Christian Can Care for Orphans

2. Speak up for them. Proverbs 31:8-9
3. Give them what they need. James 2:15-16
4. Support those who support them. Hebrews 10:24
5. Provide them a safe place. Psalm 146:9
6. Go visit them. James 1:27
7. Give sacrificially to them. 2 Corinthians 9:7
8. Cheer them on. 1 Thessalonians 5:14
9. Give them a forever family. Psalm 68:5-6a
10. Mobilize your church for them. Matthew 28:18-20
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Story Continues - Central Asia

The couple who work with the feeding program have been great for the kids. They are a good example of how a marriage relationship should work. They love the Lord & love the kids. They have great ideas and even greater energy. Some of the kids have gotten a bus to travel to church and then go to this couple's house afterwards to help prepare lunch and hang out, playing Uno, talking, doing magic tricks and just being kids. When I left them last Sunday, to catch my flight home, there were four sad, puppy dog like faces staring at me. I didn’t want to leave.
Another opportunity I had was to visit a day care for special needs students of all ages. The day I attended, a friend, fashioned a splint for a two year old girl who had a severely deformed hand. It’s amazing what can be done with a little bit of supplies and a lot of the grace of God!
A man who dearly loves children is another dear friend. He has numerous ministries. I went with him to an orphanage where he has monthly birthday parties for the children. Because April was a busy month for the orphanage and the more than 350 children who live there, we celebrated the birthdays of children who were born in April and May. Children sang and danced, played and just “hung out” with us. They had a birthday treat and gifts were given out to the 60 or so children that had birthdays. Then, too soon, it was time to leave.
This man also works with Al Ateen. He knows each child & their story and loves them all. Most of these kids do not have a positive role model in their lives. George helps to encourage them, educates them and helps them break the cycle of alcoholism in their families. About 10 days ago he had a picnic for 100 of his kids. We went to the park, played volleyball, sang, ate hot dogs and ice cream, played around the lake and had a great time. And, when the kids thank him, he replies, “Don’t thank me, thank the Lord. He is the One who provides all of this.”
Another of his ministries includes opening up a new “coffee house,” a place where kids can hang out a couple nights a week, play, watch a movie and just be a kid. The place where this newest coffee house opened also started a weekly café where people can come, listen to Christian music (in a Muslim country), eat shashleek and just relax under the evening sky. This helps to defray the costs of the outreaches that the church is involved in.
The night before I left, I met with a group of six women who gather every week for Bible study. These women are Christians and want to learn more about Scripture and how to apply it to their lives. Typically, in this culture, a person has to know you for a long time before they show any physical affection. As I was preparing to leave Bible study, one woman came up to me and said, “You are my sister, and I would like to hug you before you leave.” What a gift! I’ll always treasure it.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Central Asia, Good Bye

The love of God, expressed through His people, no matter what the cost may be to them, was so evident in the small things as well as the big things. A cup of tea shared, a fellowship gathering, times of study and prayer, times of just hanging out and just having fun.
I can't be more specific here, this venue is too public and Central Asia does not hold out open arms to Christians. But, I do want to say that saying "Good Bye" is hard to do. If it is God's will, I'll return and reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. And, some day, every knee will bow & every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.