Following the Lord Jesus Christ has put me on a Great Adventure. Through this blog, I hope to share with you the places He has taken me and the things that I have learned.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Morning Worship
Monday, January 27, 2025
Prayer Request

Monday, January 13, 2025
Snow Days
The past week or so has been quite unusual. We have had more than three inches of snow where I live in Patrick County, VA. I’m sure up on the mountain there has been a lot more snow. A “snow day” was declared for work. We could all stay home, snuggle up in warm blankets, drink some coffee or tea and curl up with a good book.
But, what do you do when the snow day turns into snow days? I had such good ideas of what I could get done…catch up on my Bible study, make thank-you cards to send out for the Christmas gifts I received, clean the oven, do laundry, exercise, make soup, bake cranberry orange muffins….you get the idea.
So, what did I do? Not much. I did keep up with the laundry. And, I finally caught up with my Bible study lessons, but it took me several days to get started. And, I made a batch of chicken soup. I did buy eggs for the muffins, but they never got baked. And the thank- you cards? I barely even gave them a thought. I did read. And, I did sleep. Exercise? Once. Oh, and I did clean the oven. So, I guess I did get some stuff done, but not as much as I envisioned myself doing.
I like to think that I’ve got it all together. That I can just get done the things that I want to get done. Obviously, that isn’t happening. I guess I’ll have to go back to making lists. I love crossing things off of a list and seeing all that I have accomplished. So, list making isn’t all that bad.
If I were about 40 years younger, I would have loved to go and play in the snow. I thought about making a small snowman. That didn’t happen, either. Where is my discipline? Where is my “get up and go?” I really need to work on that. I need to get rid of the distractions that take up some of the time that should be devoted to other, more productive activities.
Today, I will start with list making. I’ll let you know how it works out. In the meantime, enjoy the snow and stay warm!
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
No Power? No Problem!
Last night, the power went out around 9:37 p.m. I was already asleep. But, I woke up since my CPAP wasn’t working. I wasn’t too concerned about it until I read the email that said that the estimated time of power being back on is 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night. Then, I came to my senses.
I grew up tent camping. I was a Girl Scout for a gazillion years. I lived in a remote area of Africa. I can live 48+ hours without electricity. No problem. The electricity went out all the time in Ghana. The only difference is that in Ghana, it was a lot warmer than 22°F.
I didn’t sleep well. I tossed and turned a lot during the night. I got up around 3:00 a.m. and read for a while. I went back to bed until it got light outside. It was 47°F in my apartment. Brrr! I wanted to stay under the blankets but I didn’t. I found batteries for my radio and tuned in to the local radio station, WHEO. A good part of the county was affected by the outage. I had a Coke Zero instead of coffee while I waited to find out what was happening with work. Everything was closed today because of no power. So, I got dressed and went to my desk and basked in the sunshine. It was glorious! Then, I drove to Meadows of Dan for lunch and to mosey around. I even bought a cold coffee for tomorrow, just in case.
As I sit in my apartment, I am grateful that I have protection from the elements. I have plenty of warm clothes and blankets. I have food and drink that can be consumed cold. I can go into my car to warm up if absolutely necessary. I have books to read and cards to make. (And, there’s always housework to do.) I don’t NEED anything. God has been good to me. He has blessed me in amazing ways. So, during this power challenge, I choose to praise Him and to make the best of it.
No power? No problem!
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Abundant Blessings
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Some New Year’s Day Thoughts