The sun was shining. The birds were singing and the brook was babbling. God was, and still is, in His heaven and all was right with the world. Another day had begun. Today I would go with Sara to the Methodist Church of Ramsbury for their coffee hour. Sara goes once a month with her greeting card business. (Not to be confused with ATE's Sarah, although Sara is an ATE volunteer.)The church is a lovely one, small, with lots of character. I found out that there are only a handful or so people who attend worship services there. (Maybe I should be a missionary to Ramsbury!) Sara unpacked her cards, setting up a nice display. We sat and chatted with the ladies of the community and a few men, too. Plus, I went shopping! There were a few items of clothing and some household items, gently used, for sale. I ended up buying a bright pink sweater to wear in this cooler, damper weather. It cost me £1, a vet good investment! Afterwards, I walked to the Post to buy a couple of items before returning to Pip's house.

Tonight was the big night, the London premiere of the Action Through Enterprise film. We wanted to get an early start to make sure everything was set up and ready with time to spare. As Pip drove into London, her and Sarah talked about last minute details and thought of a zillion little things that needed to be done once we arrived at the venue for the evening.
Chairs, clipboards and brochures were put in place. Luke was in charge of setting up the refreshment table! Refreshments were set out. Now, to wait! My job was to direct people to the room where the event was being held.
At 6:30, everything was a "go." People enjoyed refreshments, Sarah greeted people, Bex Burch played the traditional xylophone from the Lawra area and it was time for the film. Even though I had previewed the film, I got teary eyed watching it again. It is such a good portrayal of life in Lawra and the work Action Through Enterprise - ATE is doing there. The folks at Epiphany Productions filmed this in Lawra in January of this year, and did the entire project pro bono! What a gift! It was very well received.
After everything was over and done with, cleaned up, put away, we went out to celebrate at a pub that was named after me...The Angel!
We did eventually make it back to Ramsbury, after midnight! I was one tired person. But, it was a wonderful day and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I am grateful that I have had this opportunity!