I have spent the last 2 ½ weeks in Accra. I had some things to do here and my friends needed someone to stay at their house. So, it was a match made in Heaven! Although I miss my home in Lawra, I feel that I have been blessed by God because of the many things I have been able to do while here.
I was able to REJOICE with Raymond Dery (my language teacher) and his family as he was commissioned as a pastor with Methodist Church Ghana. Dery has a burden for his people and it is the desire of his heart to see these people have a day to day, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Any congregation he will serve will be blessed!

I have also been able to REST while here. When I left Lawra, I had malaria. So, rest wasn’t an option. I didn’t feel like doing anything! I had made reservations for a night at Hilburi for a 24 hour vacation & I wasn’t going to cancel that. I had started to feel better. Hilburi was just what I needed! The scenery was beautiful! The bed was comfy. The food was delicious. Since I left Hilburi, I continue to pace myself, trying not to go overboard with “stuff to do” in a day, but making sure that I’m not a “slug.”
RENEWAL should be a part of every day. (That is my opinion!) I enjoy having my morning coffee or tea on the veranda with GOD. I have been using the book, Praying the Attributes of God by Rosemary Jensen, along with my Bible & journal. I am always amazed at what GOD has to say to me, if only I would listen!

REVIVAL has come in a variety of ways. But, I think the one I noticed the most was attending church (or churches) this past Sunday. I didn’t realize how much I needed to worship with the body of Christ without having any expectations or responsibilities laid on me. I felt a release as we sung the first song and the tears started forming in my eyes with gratitude to the Father. That service, along with the online service of First UMC, Corry really revived my soul, my spirit.
Since I have been in Accra, the internet connection has been so much better than the connection I have in Lawra. I have been able to RESEARCH a variety of topics related to birth defects, developmental delays and prenatal care. I’ve been in touch with some people in the medical field who might be able to help out the children and families that I work with. I have also been working on my Dagaare dictionary & have called Dery on the phone to ask him how something is translated into the local language.
Last, but not least, I have been able to RESTOCK. Food choices in Lawra are slim. Even fresh fruit & vegetable choices are slim. So, I have enjoyed being able to go grocery shopping and buying canned goods and cheese to take up north with me. Fruits, veggies, jelly and a variety of other things will be stocked on my shelves when I return.
It seems as if I have been in Accra for a long time. But, it has been necessary. Along with the other things that I have been able to accomplish, I am still waiting on my passport. I need to take it with me to Lawra to present it to the immigration officials there. So, I wait, I call about it, and I wait some more. All the while I know that God has had plans for me while in Accra. This has NOT been wasted time. To God be the glory!