I am a different person now, hopefully, different even from yesterday. Over the years I have matured and grown not only in body and mind, but in spirit also. But, it is still hard at times to reach out, to say to someone, "I can't do this alone. Will you help me?" It is not hard to do that when my computer takes on a mind of its own. But, when it comes to matters close to my heart, it is. I don't want to risk. I don't want to be vulnerable. I don't want to get hurt.
When I act on those types of feelings, I miss out on the blessings of God. He has put people in my life who have been a living Bible to me. Their actions speak volumes about their faith. Encouraging words, time spent together, prayer, and all kinds of blessings have come to me through the family of God. Sometimes I reached out, sometimes others reached out to me. And you know what? It didn't hurt!
The past few weeks, I have experienced a combination of excitement about going to work with the Dagara people, but I have also experienced doubt and frustration and I have wondered several times, "Will I ever get there? Will I ever return to Ghana? When, Lord? " As calls are made, discouragement shows it's ugly head. Finally, I realize that I can't do it alone.
I need a team of people who will walk with me, walk along side of me as I journey this road. Yes, God has given me a desire, a yearning to work side by side with the people of the Upper West Region of Ghana. I need those who will commit to pray, to encourage, to help with newsletters & finances, who will be my advisers for my spiritual life as well as my physical body. I need a "Home Team" who will keep me accountable, challenge me and lift me up before the Father.
Please pray for and with me as this "Home Team" is formed.