Did you ever have one of those days when as soon as you become conscious in the morning you are busy? I do. My mind starts thinking of all the stuff I have to do, and then I start to do them so I can check them off my list. Other times, I get up with good intentions to be alone with God but first, I check to see how much snow we got or will get, or I'll call my sister or I'll just do this one thing, then I'll pray. But, it seems that the one thing leads to another that leads to another that leads....you get the idea.
I'm involved in a Bible study with a friend who lives 2 1/2 hours away. (I wonder what we'll do when I move to Ghana.) Anyway, we are studying the book of Mark. This week's chapter is Mark 5. Mark 5:16 was one of the verse that stuck out to me.
People were clamoring to see Jesus, to heal them, to hear Him preach and teach. It seems as if He never had a moment to himself. People were constantly emailing Him, twittering to Him, posting questions to Him on Facebook, texting Him, calling out to Him. I'm sure everything they wanted to say to Him, to tell Him to ask Him was important. And, He probably wanted to talk with them, answer their questions, touch each of them as He touched the leper a few verses earlier. He wanted to see each of the in a personal relationship with His Father and with Him. He wanted the Holy Spirit to dwell within each of them. But, He had to be ready to do this. He didn't just jump off His mat & start preaching, teaching, healing and changing lives. He withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.
Jesus always took time to be with the Father, especially before and during times of ministry, and before before major events. He prepared Himself for the day, to strengthen Himself with the Father's love, His Word His will.
I know I need to have that kind of prayer in the morning. I need time to be with Jesus, to help me focus for the day, to align my priorities to His. I get so much more done. And, I'm at peace even when things get hectic. Those days when I take the time to pray, I get my entire list of "stuff to do" done in such a way that I add more to the list.
Prayer...the way to start every day!